16"x20" mixed media on canvas, photo by: LeRoy Lawson; Click Here to Buy Now
Something I've been thinking about on a deep, personal level is how art is a reminder of a bigger picture. The process of making any type of art usually involves stages of chaos, setbacks and unexpected turns. (Sounds like life to me!) It also requires trust, decision-making and discipline. Every finished piece holds within it the story of how it was created - at the same time it is the culmination of all that hard work. This exists in life, as well. Most experiences culminate, at some point we see the big picture (and wisdom) of experiences - but the timeline is far more stretched.
Being back in California has opened more questions (and doors!) for me than it has answered. Maybe you're also at some stage, in some area(s) of your life, where you aren't exactly sure how this is going to turn out. Art can be a tangible reminder that it's totally OK. You are in the midst of an intricate and beautiful story that is still unfolding.
Given that perspective, I thought you might enjoy seeing the unfolding process behind this new painting:
Paper Mache & Resist Tape
It started as a collaboration with my mom who primed the bottom fourth of the canvas with the gorgeous "lava layer" and painted the tissue paper that I then cut and paper mached on to the canvas. I used resist tape to preserve my favorite portion of this layer and painted the rest black.
Stars & Pin-stripes
I used a splatter technique to create spontaneous star formations and masking tape with tiny gaps in between which I painted gray to make the pin-stripes.
Style Cues & Drawing
I had a sense for an art nouveau-inspired woman to add to the painting. I collected style cues, then experimented until the right drawing emerged.
After carefully cutting out the drawing I briefly soaked it (yes, in a brownie pan) to soften the paper, then adhered it with a mixture of glue and water.
Title Suggestion?
I'm still bouncing around title ideas for this piece. If it inspires anything in you please let me know! Time & Eternity was my first instinct but I've also found myself referring to it for convenience as Moon Goddess...
Sometimes we all need friendly reminders to enjoy the process of life.